This is the List of Favorite Places in Bandung:
Trans Studio Bandung
Recreational Vehicle Trans Studio Bandung Trans Studio Bandung, Bandung Super Mall (BSM) is the largest indoor toy vehicle in the world. Resort Bandung Trans Studio is an integrated tourism area in Bandung, Indonesia, precisely in the area of Bandung Supermall. Trans Studio built up area of 4.2 hectares with an investment of Rp 2 triliun.Trans Studio Bandung is built on an area of 4.2 hectares that make Trans Studio Bandung as the region's largest and most comprehensive Integrated Resort in Singapore. Rides that are offered adventures and new sensations are no less challenging as its predecessor Trans Studio Makassar, which opened in 2008 Ago.
Park Ade Irma Suryani Nasution (Traffic Park)
Traffic Park Ade Irma Suryani Nasution is a great place for children to learn kelalulintasan. In the park is cool and comfortable this, the children will enjoy driving with bikes or mini vehicles in the artificial track is equipped with traffic signs. And immediately put into practice the lessons kelalulintasan in an atmosphere of an exciting game. Environmental extensive gardens, green and equipped with garden chairs are very suitable as recreational options you and your family.
Mandala Museum Wangsit Siliwangi
Siliwangi Wangsit Mandala Museum is a museum of weapons in Bandung, West Java. Siliwangi name itself is a founder of the kingdom of Padjadjaran that his power is infinite, the king said to the wise and prudent, and authority in running governance, while meaning Wangsit Mandala is a place to store the mandate, advice or advice of a warrior past to future generations through benda- objects left behind. The name of the street where the museum is, Jl. Lembong, named Lt. Col. Lembong, one Siliwangi soldiers who were victims in the incident Coup Legion of Ratu Adil. Previous street was named Oude Hospitaalweg.
Museum of Asian-African Conference
The building is located on the road Africa Asia was founded by a Dutch architect named Van Galenlast and CO Wolf Shoomaker. This building became very famous since the holding of the Asian-African Conference in 1955, then the Asian-African Conference 1956 Students Islamic Conference Asia and Africa that holds manuscripts and peniggalan-peniggalan Asia and Africa are well known. This building was opened to the public every harikerja and easily reached by city bus department Cicaheum-Cibeureum, museum displays a collection of photographs and belongings of three dimensions related to the Asian-African Conference in 1955, Museums KAA, Photo KAA before and after KAA warning, Dasa Sila Bandung, Review Press, KAA Statue figures, permanent exhibition space, auditorium space, audio visual and Libraries
Square and the Great Mosque of Bandung
Masjid Raya Bandung of West Java Province, formerly known as the Great Mosque of Bandung, was completed on 13th January 2006. The construction included the rearrangement Square Bandung, the construction of two basement floors and the city park at the same time the mosque courtyard that can be used for cultural events and the prayer of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Officially the physical construction of the mosque, takes time: 2 years 829 days or 99 days, since the laying of the first stone of February 25, 2001 until the inauguration of the Masjid Raya Bandung June 4, 2003 which was inaugurated by the Governor of West Java were: HR Nuriana.
Monument Bandung Sea of Fire
A monument that became landmarks Bandung. This monument as high as 45 meters, has a side as much as 9 fields. The monument was built to commemorate the events of Bandung Sea of Fire, where there is a scorched earth South Bandung, led by Muhammad Toha. This monument is located in the middle of the city that is located in Tegallega Field. This monument became one of the famous monuments in Bandung. This monument is the center of attention every March 23 in memory of the events Bandung Sea of Fire.
Bandung Geology Museum
Geological Museum was established on 16 May 1928. The museum has been renovated with funds from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). After undergoing renovation, the Geological Museum reopened and inaugurated by the Vice President of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri on August 23, 2000. As one of the historical monuments, museums are under the protection of government and the national heritage. In this museum, stored and managed geological materials abound, like fossils, rocks, minerals. All of which were collected during field work in Indonesia since 1850.
Gedung Sate Bandung (West Java Governor's Office)
This building was designed architect Ir J. Berger of Landsgeboundienst, development agencies government buildings Holland. It takes power to 2,000 workers. Among the thousands of workers, there are approximately 150 Chinese Cantonese or Cantonese, carpenters and stonecutters are skilled in the country. Dutch architect, Dr. Hendrik Petrus Berlage, mentions that the Sate Office Center complex along with the draft Civil Government Agencies Dutch East Indies in Bandung is a masterpiece. While Coor Passchier and Jan Wittenberg, two Dutch architect inventory colonial buildings in Bandung, called Gedung Sate as a stunning elegant monumental buildings, and has a unique architectural style, and gigantic. Gedung Sate was actually only a small portion, or approximately 5% of ?? Complex Office Center Insatansi Civil Government ?? Dutch East Indies which occupies a land area of North Bandung area of 27,000 square meters. By population Gedong Sate past ?? ?? Gedong named Bebe ?? ?? then more popular with Gedung Sate ?? ?? because on top of the tower of the building there ?? skewers ?? 6 pieces shaped ornament with pink water.
West Java Struggle Monument
The monument is located in the north Gedung Sate Bandung. If we are on the monument plaza, in a straight line, we can clearly see Gedung Sate building. Between the monument and building satay, there are Park City, Jl. Soerapatti, Gasibu, and Jl. Diponegoro. This monument is also close to the University Campus in Jalan Dipati Measure Padjadjaran Bandung. In the west of the monument is standing tall building Telkom Indonesia, and in the east stand Gedung Pertamina Indonesia. Many activities are often carried out on this monument. Aside from being a mass point to gather before and after the action in a wide range of issues demands, on the monument is often held entertainment events. Like the night market, dangdut shows, and other events organized by one of the television stations in the country.
Bandung Zoo
Located on Jl. Castle. Bandung Zoo was originally known as the Derenten (in Sundanese language, Dierentuin) which means the zoo. Bandung Zoo was founded in 1930 by the Bandung Zoological Park (BZP), which was pioneered by the Bank Director Dennis, Hoogland. Ratification of the establishment's Zoo diwenangi by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies and the approval set forth in the decision of 12 April 1933 32. By the time the Japanese mastered this area, these attractions are less manageable, until in 1948, performed rehabilitation to restore the function of these attractions.
Taman Ganesha Bandung
Is a city park that is located at Jalan Ganesha ?? Bandung, just in front of the Bandung Institute of Technology campus. In terms of size, the park is not so wide, but very beautiful because of various plants in the park and surrounding areas. Garden equipped with plenty of seating that can be used for refreshing, especially during the day. Because of its location not far from Bandung Zoo, the park is often used by visitors to the zoo to relax with friends while enjoying lunch. Around the park grow tall trees inhabited by diverse birds. Indeed, the area of Jalan Ganesha reserved for variegated bird conservation so that none of the existing bird is allowed to be hunted.
Museum Pos Indonesia Bandung
The existence of Indonesian Postal Museum is located not far from Gedung Sate, is inseparable from the history of the Post Company in Indonesia. The museum is present since the days of the Dutch East Indies, precisely in 1933 under the name of Museum PTT (Post Telegraph and Telephone) and occupy the lower part of the right wing PTT office building. The museum building was built on July 27, 1920 with an area of 706 m2 and designed by architect Ir. J. Berger and Leutdsgebouwdienst the style of Italian Renaissance architecture as a place to collect stamps from different countries.
Favorite Places in Bandung
Abdullah Nouvel Syahbal